Past Exhibitions & Events over the last few years have included: ​
- 'Out of the Flame' Exhibition
- RICArts 'Travel Expo
- 'Smell the Coffee' Exhibition
- The Bay Islands Art & Craft Expo
- The Russell Island Bowls Club Exhibition
RICArts brings our members and the public together at social functions that range from informal morning teas and fun market days, to formal cocktail evenings.
All members are invited to participate in all events.

Judges: Maria Cleary, Sara Za Enback, David Wells, Vicki Whalan, Christine Earthrowl

RICArts Markets ran approximately ten years.
Kennedy Farm RICArts would like to thank all
past stall holders and fundraisers involved in past markets.
Thank you also to all who supported the markets over that time.
Thank you on behalf of RICARTS Management Committee.
RICArts Members and guests recently had lots of fun at Laurie Eastough's Encaustic Workshop. Some fabulous paintings were created by all who attended.

Art Competition & Exhibition

Smell the Coffee was an initiative created by Russell Island Community Arts Association for the Southern Moreton Bay Islands region. Local Artists were invited to produce artwork that incorporated coffee/coffee culture, whether it was coffee froth, coffee beans, paintings of café’s or anything at all that related to coffee.
The competition was open to all media, and received over 40 entries that included paintings, mosaics, pottery, photography and even patchwork quilts. The opening ceremony was attended by more than 70 people, despite the rainy weather and the COVID crisis. RICArts received many compliments on the day's success.
Crooked House Cafe, acrylic - Kinga Rypinska
Smell the Coffee competition winners:
Kinga Rypinska - 1st Prize - Crooked House Cafe, acrylic
Stella Pastellas - Shared 2nd Prize - Coffee Pot and Biscuit Plates, ceramic
Andre Gravett - Shared 2nd Prize - Indulgence, mixed recycled media
Lynda Faulkner - 1st High Commendation - Dunking Thief, mixed media
Robyn Joargenson - 2nd High Commendation - Love Coffee Any Time, acrylic
Evelyn Griffiths - 3rd High Commendation - Coffee Curlew Style, raku ceramic
Wendy Dawkins - 4th High Commendation - Coffee Gold - glass mosaic
Wendy Dawkins - 5th High Commendation - Coffee Break - patchwork

Coffee Pot and Biscuit Plates, ceramic
- Stella Pastellas

Indulgence, mixed recycled media
- Andre Gravett


Community market days were held periodically in the beautiful RICArts gardens.